22 NOVEMBER 2020 - 11am (CET)
Grace Full Life VZW (Belgium) is very pleased to invite you
for a boosting zoom session with Dr. Ravindra Gangwani from Pune India.
On Sunday 22/11/2020 November at 11:00am (CET)
During a 45’ lecture Dr. Ravindra will offer you several Ayurvedic tools to strengthen yourself physically and mentally.
He will give guidelines how to walk at ease through these strange times of global pandemic AND TO GET BACK THE BALANCE IN LIFE with the Holistic Complete Health Science of AYURVEDA and YOGA.
After the lecture, Dr. Ravindra will be happy to answer your questions in the online meeting room.
If you prefer a private online meeting or consult with Dr. Ravindra, you can contact him by email or whatsApp on the number mentioned below.
The talk will be in English and can be joined by all those interested.
So feel free to forward this email to family or friends who might need an extra pat on the back.
Dr. Ravindra and Grace Full Life offer you this lecture FOR FREE.
Grace Full Life VZW aims to promote and offer Ayurvedic healthcare to as many people as possible and encourages the integration of Ayurvedic knowledge with allopathic medicine.
Any donations to support the working of Grace Full Life VZW are welcome.
IBAN: BE91 7360 6868 6976
Grace Full Life VZW
Ganzenstraat 53
B - 8000 Brugge
- Install zoom on your computer: www.zoom.us
- Once zoom is installed and if you are not familiar with zoom, it might help to have a quick look at
the zoom-tools to be prepared for the actual meeting.
- To attend: Click in the link below a few minutes before the meeting starts.
- The meeting room will be open at 10:50am.
- Attending might take a few extra minutes, so if it is your first time, please remain patience.
- Once in the meeting room, may we kindly ask you to click the mute-button in the left under corner
- To ask a question during the Q&A: you unmute by clicking on the unmute-button, than raise your
hand or click in the blue little hand which you can see on the screen. Dr. Ravindra will give you the
word to speak.
Link to attend the zoom session:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6747177287?pwd=NUJKYjlRdFFrL2hiK2dIbWIxTjN5UT09
Meeting ID: 674 717 7287
Passcode: geukensdev
inge@grace-full-life.com or yasmine@grace-full-life.com
Dr. Ravindra: +91 88 05 770 404 - email: dr.rrg143@gmail.com
Photocredits: Charlotte Lauwers