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In 2000, a friend told me 'if life is controlling you so much, start doing yoga, and you will get control over your life'.

At one point, I could not continue life as it was, so I decided to take her advice to heart. Insecure as I was, I gathered 10 friends to support me to my first Hata yoga class, not knowing what to expect.

After a while, I noticed changes in my daily life and relationships. This made me even more curious and led me from Hata yoga to take classes in Hidden Language, Kundalini Yoga, Dream Yoga, Sacred Dances, Mantra and Meditation. All these classes were provided by Frances Becker, senior teacher of Swami Sivananda Radha, who established the Yasodhara Ashram in Kootenay Bay, B.C. Canada. Along the way, I freed myself from my insecurities and limitations and learned to move on courageously. 

In 2007, I discovered Ayurveda and took classes from John Marchant, founder of Yoga and Ayurveda Health - YAH, international school of Ayurveda. All the trainings are dedicated to Harish Johari, who is being described as the Ayurvedic renaissance man and is formed by the old schools of Yoga and Ayurveda tradition.

Today, I have allowed to let Yoga and Ayurveda settle down into my heart.

I am feeling very grateful to give this knowledge back to others, and share its beauty with the world.

Grateful to all those I may share this with,

May sincerity protect me and be with me,


Inge De Backer




Our wellness programs are designed for educational and coaching purposes and not intended

to be constructed as a substitute for a medical examination, diagnoses or treatment. Always check with your

healthcare provider making changes to your diet and routine, making sure that they suit your

personal health and will not interfere with medications you may be taking.

Website: Lien Craps

Photocredits: Charlotte Lauwers

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